



    www.CourtAlert.com....revolutionizing case tracking


CourtAlert Announcement – Get the partner every "important" opinion in record time

June 28, 2011

The CourtAlert community has provided the quickest method as to being alerted for Second Circuit decisions. We have also been providing quick service for opinions in Delaware Chancery Court. We have now expanded these services in order to provide an alert and text of opinions in the Delaware State Court. In order to continue these popular services we have had to employ local reporters, which is forcing us to charge a minor charge for these services.

We would like to thank the clients that have told us how often the Second Circuit alert (CourtAlert 188) has saved them from a partner calling them as to why a reporter is on the phone asking for comments on an opinion the firm didn’t know about. Our automatic system checks every couple of minutes for any new opinions being released and before being posted on PACER. If the Second Circuit ECF system is down and the court is still posting decisions this serves as an important back up. This is a very popular service as it eliminates the need to constantly watch the court web site.

All three services together are at a fee of $35 per month for the entire firm. To register click here

  • New Opinion and Summary Orders from the Second Circuit as soon as they are posted on the court web site
  • New Opinions from the Delaware Chancery Court
  • New Opinions from the Delaware Supreme Court, the appeal jurisdiction for the Delaware Chancery Court

Any number of users in your firm can receive these alerts and you can specify which user will receive what alert. For example, a user may be an "inquiry only" user, which is not able to put regular cases on watch, and thus the cost is controlled.

Registration must be recorded to receive this service.

We are Committed to Remain the Best!


Izzy Schiller, President



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