



    www.CourtAlert.com....revolutionizing case tracking


CourtAlert National Business Development Alerts – price reduction, no fee per name and new features

CourtAlert National Business Development Alert service notifies users of any new Federal: District, Bankruptcy or Circuit court case when a specified party is named as a Plaintiff or Defendant. Limitation by specified Nature of Suit is also available.

Since the response to the announcement of this service has been overwhelming, CourtAlert has now dramatically reduced the fee for this service:

·                    Watch for any number of names on CourtAlert National Business Development alert service at no charge

·                    “Hit” alert (alerting users that a watched name is listed in a new complaint) now only $8.50 – essentially all the information from the Civil Cover Sheet

·                    Copy of complaint $33 for any number of pages

With this price reduction CourtAlert National Business Development Alert is not only the best quality service in the market for this feature, it is also less in cost.

In consideration of the clients who already use this service, the reduced price structure will be in effect retroactively as of March 1st 2011.

New service – alert for every new filing for specified Nature of Suit code –

For example, alert for every new “850 – Securities/Commodities/Exchange” filing in any US District Court. Or alert for every 1850, 2850 or 3850 nature of suit new filing in any US Circuit Court

Since the fee is only for a “hit”, you can now limit the search criteria:

  1. Limit your search to specified Circuit and/or courts – for example, search only for new cases in the Second Circuit, or only in the Southern and Eastern District courts.
  2. Limit your search to a number of Nature of Suits – You can search for a named party and limit the search to one or more nature of suit codes
  3. Unless you specify a “wild card” the search is for exact name – thus a search for “Jack” will not alert for cases with “Jacksville”. To include “Jacksville” and similar name, specify “Jack*” in the watch list.


Suggested watch list names: Using names watched in SDNY/Supreme, names of regular SDNY watch list and other information or information from CourtAlert Case Management and ECF Interface package, CourtAlert team may be able to propose list of names to watch. Please contact Support@CourtAlert.com for details.

We are Committed to Remain the Best!


Izzy Schiller, President



CourtAlert, 552 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10018
T. 212.227.0391 F.212.227.3811

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