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CourtAlert Announcement - High Frequency watch for NYS Electronic Filing cases, every 15 minutes  

August 19, 2011

In response to our clients request CourtAlert announces a method to watch NYSCEF cases every 15 minutes.

While NYSCEF cases continue to be watched with our regular CourtAlert NYS Supreme watch service (including New York County Clerk minutes), there is a time lag between NYSCEF filings and the time New York County and NYS Supreme Post RJI computers are updated.

Today CourtAlert announces a system to follow NYSCEF cases directly from the NYSCEF system without being a party to the case. The program will monitor the case every 15 minutes, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The system is designed for time sensitive matters and currently the request to put cases on this NYSCEF High Frequency watch is by email to Support@CourtAlert.com. Please specify the case county, index number, caption and client/matter numbers.

CourtAlert will attempt to notify users only when there is a change on the docket sheet, the threshold to determine a real change is conservative and it is possible that some alerts be produced even if there are no meaningful changes in the docket. Each alert contains the entire docket sheet.

The fee for watching a NYSCEF case every 15 minutes is $1.50 per day per case, which is $45 per case for 30-day month.

This new watch does not replace the regular CourtAlert NYS Supreme watch for new filings, orders, dates, etc.. Information is available only from NYS Supreme Court mainframe database used for the regular watches.

Users are advised to put watched NYSCEF case on both watches. The new service is intended to elevate the need to manually review the docket sheet every few minutes for high-sensitivity cases.

At this time, putting cases to NYSCEF High Frequency watch is done by email to Support@CourtAlert.com, this new services has been praised by the clients who tested it, please try it.

We are Committed to Remain the Best!


Izzy Schiller, President



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