CourtAlert - 141 West 36th St, 20N, New York, NY 10018 - 212.227.0391 Copyright© 2024 CourtAlert.com Inc. US Patent 8,996,590
Reconciliation is CourtAlert's Patented technology (Patent No US 8,996,590) that automatically captures court notices "bounces" and downloads linked PDFs. These Dockets are put into the "Reconciliation" inbox where the docketing team reviews them before entering deadlines. It takes only three clicks from receiving an email to saving it in the system and uploading it to iManage® or NetDocuments®. Review the document then calendar the related deadlines.
Automatically reads ECF Notices for all federal PACER courts
(All District, Bankruptcy, Appeals, and specialty courts), state courts including New York, New Jersey and Texas, File&Serve courts, the Patent Trial Appeal Board (PTAB) and more. The system also pulls in other updates such as CourtAlert Case Monitoring alerts, CourtAlert for PACER and documents uploaded using the CourtAlert Docketing app or the Attorney Portal. Reconciling upcoming appearances and court calls are available various courts.
Reconciliation supports many courts. To access the full list of courts please log in.
This system includes the functionality to automatically read ECF emails as soon as they are sent to any attorney within the firm. The reconciliation module will automatically download the PDFs and upload it to your document management system, iManage or net documents with a full profile and Sub-folder you specify.
Enter dates through four different methods: Enter a date by hand (or use the handy calculator) or calculate dates using Automatic Rules or quickly adjourn existing dates using the Adjournment tool. Additionally, through AI tools, calendar a suggested date and summarize texts and add an extra layer of review to your calendaring and docketing!
Automatic Rules - Integration with CalendarRules® using a real-time API calculation of deadlines using automatic rules. Rules are kept up to date automatically.
Backed by a support team of attorneys and experts, Calendar Rules offers rule sets in over 2,000 jurisdictions which include Federal Courts, State Courts, Judge's Standing Orders and Agency Rules
AI will assist in highlighting a date and description and clicking on 'add diaries' the system will add a deadline, which can be edited.
For example, in a Scheduling Order, the user can highlight and add many deadlines quickly. Also, highlighting a name and clicking 'Set judge' from highlighted text.
The docketing system is the best equipped to record case details that can be very useful for reporting and searching for Knowledge Management. The system is designed to capture case details such as:
Forum, Venue Index and Judges - The case-centric approach allows you to assign the same matter to multiple cases and keep track of MDLs, Appeals, Transfers and Removals
Parties and Representation - record every party's representation. Keep track of Expert Witnesses and former Judges
Teams - Add any number of staff members to the Case! Record their court admission, case appearances and pro-hac appearances. Options to override the attorney's default notification preferences for specific cases
Additional Classifications or "Tags" and the ability to locate disposition details used for marketing
The docketing workflow allows for very accurate docketing with several managerial reviews that enables effective communication with the attorneys
Avoid Mistakes - The PDF and Rules Citation are always available with the docket and deadlines: in the inquiry module, automated emails and in the Outlook Appointments
Save Time - Electronically filed cases are docketed in seconds. The system is designed for heavy caseloads in large firms with many practice areas
Save Money - Users firm-wide access the PDF image of document on the firm's server, saving on PACER and File-and-Serve cost
Access case snapshots - view case documents, calendars and PDFs
Search for cases using "Advanced Case" and full-text PDF search
View Case Calendars, Staff Calendars, Firmwide Calendar and Practice Group Calendar and automate delivery
Produce Firm Intelligence with relevant statistics and firm data
Case and Attorney Analytics using built in reporting tools and dashboards
Tracks attorneys’ admission in States, Courts and professional organizations
Making sure the team is aware of the deadlines is the primary goal of the system. There are multiple deadline notification alternatives to fit the style of your firm.
Automatic attorney ticklers are sent to every attorney via email with all the deadlines optimized for phone display, and a PDF attachment designed to be printed
Firmwide, Office-wide, or Practice-group wide calendars published to everyone or Managing Partners
Email deadline reminders on a set schedule, for example 1,7 and 14 days before the deadline. Fully customizable format with include links to docket sheet, PDFs and rules applied
Automatic Outlook integration - Includes links to the PDFs, the citation, color categories, and many more optional details that get the attorney what they need to know, when they need to know it
The Save and Notify email is sent out to the case team or the case manager with the documents and deadlines as soon as they are entered. This is a great way for the attorney to give feedback on the deadline calculations
Explore firm experience by Court, Judge, Office, Partner, Classification and so much more
Push the "as-filed" documents into iManage or NetDocuments with a full profile, automatically
Search for documents using keywords in the docket text within the document text!
Not all documents are created equally. Tag documents as good work product, samples, and precedent, then use the specially designed tools to browse them.
This is referred to as Knowledge Management ("KM"). It is time we brought KM home, to Docketing. Available in the data is every document that was filed in every case firm-wide. The name of the author is also available for the documents created by the firm. Our data and system should allow the user to figure out all the information independently.
The license cost of the cloud solution is the same as the “on premise” software and clients pay only a small hosting fee for the cloud platform. This could save your firm significant amounts on the servers, disk space, database licensing and IT costs of the on-prem solution.
Built using Microsoft® Azure SAAS services, the CourtAlert Cloud Solution is in compliance with Federal and other standards and was implemented with high security measures.
CourtAlert's SOC 2 Type 2 certification affirms that the controls are not only well-designed but also effective, ensuring ongoing protection of customer data and maintaining the highest standards of security. CourtAlert continues to demonstrate its commitment to safeguarding customer information and maintaining the reliability and security of its services.
Single sign-on using your already existing firm credentials
Same software license cost for Cloud and On-premise solution
If ever your requirements change, you can move the entire system on-prem at no additional license cost
Integration with any Human Resources system or Active Directory. Keep the staff names, emails and titles up to date to automatically manage staff updates. Staff termination workflow to automatically remove and report on cases without any staff.
Removes adjourned dates automatically
Supports Office 365, On-prem Exchange 2010+ and mixed environments
Configurable subject, body, location and categories all set through the powerful template engine
Integration with iManage and NetDocuments: Document are automatically profiled using our advanced template engine so that every field can be set up with you firm's preferences. Having the documents in the correct matter workspace, within an "As-Filed" subfolder and named the way you like it will save the firm hundreds of hours of effort that is spent doing it by hand.
Wall Builder - Inclusionary and Exclusionary walls. CourtAlert Case Management has a seamless integration with Intapp Walls so that no one who is not permissioned to see that matter will even know it exists
Some firms also use the information that is in the system for conflict checks. Hired a former law-clerk? Find all the cases the judge is assigned to. Lateral hire? Find all the cases by searching opposing counsel.
Ethical walls are also available using Intapp Walls and iManage SPM (Security Policy Manager)
Integration with any Matter Intake. Automatically create cases for new Litigation matters and report to the docketing team to fill in the rest
Client and Matter Numbers are always updated so the docketing team doesn't need to create them themselves and keep the descriptions up-to-date
Many firms invest heavily in the matter intake workflow so that new business can be accepted quickly. This workflow includes providing the conflicts department information about the case (court and case number), assigned staff, as well as parties and opposing counsel representation.
CourtAlert offers integrations with this matter intake workflow to automatically create cases based on your business intake workflow. As soon as a matter is approved, and a matter number is assigned, a case will be created automatically and the documenting team will be notified to calendar the initial deadlines of the initiating documents.
CourtAlert leverages decades of expertise in implementing docketing case management solutions across law firms of varying sizes nationwide. With precision and a wealth of knowledge, our implementations are tailored to suit each client's workflow, ensuring not just a good but an ideal system for their needs.
Training is offered in multiple ways. Our team is prepared to meet your learning needs. Our docketing and calendaring systems are configured to address specific requirements, complemented by comprehensive training programs including train-the-trainer, individual, attorney, and CLE training.
Additionally, a brand-new knowledge site includes the latest system documentation and content that has been recorded over the year on one interactive and easy to use platform. This website is available to the entire docketing team and includes content from beginner to advanced material. We encourage everyone to use it to aid your training and to master the CourtAlert Case Management system.
The knowledge site includes training videos, articles, and step-by-step tutorials. You can also find the release notes and related content to see what is new in every version. The site offers lots of functionality including the ability for firms to have firm-dedicated sections where personalized training material and videos can be uploaded.
Content (recorded training sessions, cheat sheets, training articles, etc.) that you would like uploaded to your client-dedicated section can be saved through the new training site. Your firm-dedicated section is private and will not be shared outside your organization.
CourtAlert - 141 West 36th St, 20N, New York, NY 10018 - 212.227.0391 Copyright© 2024 CourtAlert.com Inc. US Patent 8,996,590