Research Tools/Other Courts

CourtAlert provides a variety of Research tools from an array of sources, often for free.
CourtAlert Power Search
This power search allows users to search over: Court Data, Rules for courts and individual judges, recent and historical, All Tips of the Week, Court Workflow changes, recent and historical,Text of Complaints from SDNY, OCR'd, Text of Complaints from NYS Supreme, NY County Commercial Division, OCR'd, Appellate Decisions OCR'd and Surrogates' Court Decisions and Decrees.Judges' Profiles
For select Judges, view the profile, contact information, most recent individual rules, older versions of individual rules and your open casesFederal Judges' Financial Disclosure
This disclosure helps determine if a judge has invested in the law firm client’s securities, thus pinpointing potential conflict of interest. At no additional chargeDelaware Courts
CourtAlert provides Opinions from Delaware Chancery and Supreme Court.Registration is required.
View Recent Alerts from Delaware Courts.
San Diego Courts
See what CourtAlert offers from the San Diego Court here.CourtAlert for PACER
PACER Explorer Search the CourtAlert Federal Case database at no cost. View the case details, parties and full docket sheet. Download and Combine PDF Documents at PACER cost, share for free with anyone in your organization.For cases on your CourtAlert for PACER watch list at the frequency you specify, CourtAlert will notify you with any new dockets. The service is available for every Federal Court nationwide.