Date Announced |
Subject |
Link |
3/21/2025 | Register for the next "Become The Expert" Training Session - April 2nd | <<details>> |
3/17/2025 | Register for the next "Become The Expert" Training Session - March 19th | <<details>> |
2/24/2025 | Register for the next "Become The Expert" Training Session - March 5th | <<details>> |
2/14/2025 | Register for the next "Become The Expert" Training Session - February 19th | <<details>> |
1/29/2025 | Register for the next "Become The Expert" Training Session - February 5th | <<details>> |
1/10/2025 | CourtAlert Postpones "California Rules Changes - January 2025 Updates" Presentation | <<details>> |
1/7/2025 | Register for the California Rules Changes - January 2025 Updates Presentation with the NDA & CourtAlert | <<details>> |
12/3/2024 | UPDATED INFO: Register for the next "Become The Expert" Training Session | <<details>> |
12/2/2024 | Register for the next "Become The Expert" Training Series Session | <<details>> |
11/5/2024 | CourtAlert Presents "Become The Expert" Training Series- Register Today | <<details>> |
11/7/2024 | Security Update: Alert on Phishing Scam Targeting NEFs | <<details>> |
10/21/2024 | California Summary Judgement Deadlines Calculator | <<details>> |
10/2/2024 | CourtAlert Announces AI Summary for Realtime New York Complaints | <<details>> |
9/12/2024 | NY State Monitoring Services Update | <<details>> |
9/11/2024 | CourtAlert Commemorates September 11 | <<details>> |
8/10/2024 | Register for the CourtAlert National Webinar with the NDA | <<details>> |
7/9/2024 | Los Angeles & San Francisco NDA Chapters & CourtAlert Present: California State Rules Updates Presentation | <<details>> |
6/5/2024 | CourtAlert Virtual Client Event 2024 | <<details>> |
5/15/2024 | CourtAlert & NY NDA Presents Prof Connors Lecture on NY Law Practice Updates 2024 | <<details>> |
5/14/2024 | CourtAlert Announces AI Summary for Realtime Federal Complaints | <<details>> |
2/28/2024 | CourtAlert Announces Comprehensive Transition Package for eDocket Customers | <<details>> |
1/29/2024 | CourtAlert Relocates and Expands Headquarters | <<details>> |
12/28/2023 | CourtAlert - Happy New Year! | <<details>> |
9/7/2023 | CourtAlert Commemorates September 11 | <<details>> |
9/5/2023 | CourtAlert & ILTA Upcomingl Virtual Educational Events - Register Here | <<details>> |
7/18/2023 | CourtAlert Achieves SOC 2 Type 2 Certification, Demonstrating Commitment to Data Security and Privacy | <<details>> |
7/12/2023 | CourtAlert Confidentiality in regards to Restricted Information in PACER | <<details>> |
6/6/2023 | CourtAlert & NY NDA Presents Prof Connors Lecture on NY Law Practice Updates | <<details>> |
3/15/2023 | CourtAlert is going to NY Legal Week 2023 | <<details>> |
3/14/2023 | CourtAlert Announces Expedited Docketing Implementation with Discounted Pricing for Customers Affected by the MA3000® End of Service | <<details>> |
2/6/2023 | Tomorrow: Register for the Upcoming CourtAlert and National Docketing Association Webinar | <<details>> |
1/4/2023 | CourtAlert 2022 Year in Review: Notable Accomplishments | <<details>> |
12/13/2022 | CourtAlert SOC 2 Audit Complete | <<details>> |
11/21/2022 | Major Update: Updates to CourtAlert AD1 Panel Alerts | <<details>> |
10/20/2022 | CourtAlert New York Motion Analytics Webinar | <<details>> |
9/29/2022 | Major Update - CourtAlert Releases v2 of New York Supreme Motion Analytics | <<details>> |
9/9/2022 | CourtAlert Commemorates September 11 | <<details>> |
8/15/2022 | CourtAlert at ILTACON 2022 | <<details>> |
6/24/2022 | Major Update - Announcing NY Motion Analytics | <<details>> |
6/6/2022 | CourtAlert Virtual Client Event 2022 | <<details>> |
5/17/2022 | Major Update - NYSCEF Explorer Now Available | <<details>> |
5/2/2022 | Reminder: CourtAlert Presents an In-Person & Virtual Event with Professor Connors for the NY NDA Chapter | <<details>> |
3/29/2022 | New York Family Court Appeal Monitoring | <<details>> |
3/3/2022 | CourtAlert is going to NY Legal Week | <<details>> |
12/22/2021 | Happy Holidays from CourtAlert | <<details>> |
12/10/2021 | CourtAlert & ILTA Master Class - Learn Excel Pivot Tables with examples using PACER Cases and Firm Docketing | <<details>> |
9/10/2021 | CourtAlert & ILTA Master Class - Register Here | <<details>> |
7/27/2021 | Richard Fine joins CourtAlert as a Solutions Specialist | <<details>> |
7/13/2021 | CourtAlert Client Event 2021 Recap | <<details>> |
7/8/2021 | CourtAlert Company Management Succession Announcement | <<details>> |
6/28/2021 | Reminder: CourtAlert Virtual Client Event 2021 | <<details>> |
2/26/2021 | March 2 CourtAlert/NDA Webinar Docketing Review and Audit Processes | <<details>> |
1/5/2021 | CourtAlert Updates for the New Year | <<details>> |
9/11/2020 | CourtAlert Commemorates September 11 | <<details>> |
6/10/2020 | New Business Development Tool - Realtime New York Supreme Complaints | <<details>> |
6/5/2020 | NYSCEF Docket Monitor Enhancement, Monitor Before Index Number Assignment | <<details>> |
5/21/2020 | Major Update - Formally Announcing CourtAlert Cloud Case Management | <<details>> |
5/13/2020 | Happy Holidays from the CourtAlert Team | <<details>> |
4/3/2020 | CourtAlert Webinar – CourtAlert of PACER and Excel | <<details>> |
3/24/2020 | Reminder: Free CourtAlert Training Webinar | <<details>> |
1/17/2020 | Latest CourtAlert for PACER Enhancements | <<details>> |
12/2/2019 | PTAB Alerts Will Now Include Attachments | <<details>> |
11/13/2019 | Webinar: Best Practices of ECF Distribution in association with the National Docketing Association | <<details>> |
10/30/2019 | Major Update - CourtAlert Cloud Case Management Now Available | <<details>> |
9/11/2019 | CourtAlert Commemorates September 11 | <<details>> |
3/11/2019 | CourtAlert Enhancement: NYS Supreme Watch - Six New Counties | <<details>> |
12/19/2018 | Enhancements to Case Monitoring in New Jersey | <<details>> |
12/12/2018 | New Watch Service - Monroe County, NYS Supreme | <<details>> |
12/5/2018 | CourtAlert Watchlist Manager, now exporting to Excel | <<details>> |
11/29/2018 | ILTA / CourtAlert Case Management Interfaces presentation, San Francisco, CA - Tuesday December 4, 2018 | <<details>> |
11/27/2018 | CourtAlert for PACER - Document Names for Downloading | <<details>> |
11/21/2018 | CourtAlert Announcement - NYSCEF Auto Attach | <<details>> |
10/31/2018 | ILTA / CourtAlert Case Management Interfaces presentation, Dallas, TX - Thursday November 8, 2018 | <<details>> |
10/31/2018 | ILTA / CourtAlert Case Management Interfaces presentation, Houston, TX - Wednesday November 7, 2018 | <<details>> |
9/17/2018 | CourtAlert 58, 88 NOA Reminders | <<details>> |
9/11/2018 | CourtAlert Commemorates September 11 | <<details>> |
9/6/2018 | ILTA / CourtAlert Case Management Interfaces presentation, Atlanta, GA - Thursday September 13, 2018 | <<details>> |
9/4/2018 | Announcing CourtAlert Watchlist Manager | <<details>> |
8/20/2018 | ILTACON, Washington DC | <<details>> |
6/27/2018 | CourtAlert PACER Explorer Searches | <<details>> |
6/18/2018 | Reminder: CourtAlert Client Event Tomorrow | <<details>> |
5/24/2018 | Updated Privacy Policy | <<details>> |
5/17/2018 | Save the Date, CourtAlert Client Event, June 19th, 2018 | <<details>> |
5/8/2018 | Announcing CourtAlert 59 - AD1 Case Created (NYSCEF) | <<details>> |
5/8/2018 | ILTA / CourtAlert Case Management Interfaces presentation, Philadelphia, PA - Tommorow, Wednesday May 9, 2018 | <<details>> |
4/11/2018 | ILTA / CourtAlert Case Management Interfaces presentation, Chicago, IL - Thursday April 19, 2018 | <<details>> |
3/27/2018 | Current Summary of Services is enclosed | <<details>> |
3/20/2018 | For Appellate Division, which watch service do I use? | <<details>> |
3/20/2018 | Appellate Division (AD1, AD2, AD3, AD4) High Frequency NYSCEF Docket Monitoring | <<details>> |
3/15/2018 | Case Monitoring now available for Riverside County, California | <<details>> |
3/12/2018 | CourtAlert PACER Explorer is here! | <<details>> |
1/16/2018 | Realtime Federal Complaints - Additional "Case Created" Alert | <<details>> |
1/8/2018 | ILTA / CourtAlert IT presentation, New York City - Wednesday 1/17/2018 | <<details>> |
1/3/2018 | A Year in Review, 2017 | <<details>> |
12/21/2017 | Realtime Federal Complaints - Additional Complaint Keywords Filter | <<details>> |
12/7/2017 | CourtAlert featured in AALL Spectrum "Business Edge" | <<details>> |
11/21/2017 | U.S. Supreme Court - Alert 120 Enhancement | <<details>> |
11/3/2017 | New Alert for NY Court of Appeals - Oral Arguments Scheduled | <<details>> |
9/18/2017 | CourtAlert AD1 Panel Alert will have a link to 'live' Oral Argument broadcast | <<details>> |
9/18/2017 | National Docketing Association Award | <<details>> |
9/11/2017 | CourtAlert Commemorates September 11 | <<details>> |
8/8/2017 | Going to ILTACON in Las Vegas? | <<details>> |
7/13/2017 | Going to AALL in Austin, TX? | <<details>> |
6/22/2017 | New Business Development Service - Realtime Federal Complaints | <<details>> |
5/24/2017 | Save the Date, CourtAlert Client Event, June 22nd, 2017 | <<details>> |
5/16/2017 | Sunshine in New York, Sonny in CourtAlert | <<details>> |
4/4/2017 | New Summary of Services | <<details>> |
2/23/2017 | We Have Moved - New Office Location | <<details>> |
2/17/2017 | AD1 Oral Arguments - March Term | <<details>> |
1/31/2017 | NYSCEF NY County - Complaints are Available Immediately | <<details>> |
1/12/2017 | Business Development Service - Scope Enhanced | <<details>> |
1/9/2017 | - Firmwide Access | <<details>> |
12/29/2016 | Happy New Year! | <<details>> |
11/15/2016 | CourtAlert for PACER Firmwide Access | <<details>> |
11/8/2016 | While You Vote, Consider CourtAlert Case Management | <<details>> |
11/7/2016 | CourtAlert Mobile-Friendly Website | <<details>> |
9/12/2016 | CourtAlert for PACER - New Watch Features | <<details>> |
9/9/2016 | CourtAlert Commemorates September 11 | <<details>> |
6/29/2016 | CourtAlert for PACER Announcement | <<details>> |
3/17/2016 | CourtAlert nightly NYSCEF alert now includes the PDFs | <<details>> |
11/23/2015 | New Jersey Case Tracking - Success Stories Coming In | <<details>> |
11/16/2015 | New Services, New Summary of Services | <<details>> |
10/20/2015 | New - CourtAlert for New Jersey Superior Courts | <<details>> |
9/11/2015 | CourtAlert Commemorates September 11 | <<details>> |
8/5/2015 | As has been the tradition in CourtAlert, we throw a party when a CourtAlert case management implementation is completed
| <<details>> |
7/7/2015 | CompuLaw Rules from within CourtAlert | <<details>> |
6/30/2015 | Chief Judge Announces Two Appointments to Commission on Legislative, Judicial and Executive Compensation | <<details>> |
6/29/2015 | This Wednesday: CourtAlert Client Conference | <<details>> |
6/3/2015 | Enhancement to Business Development Alerts for New Filings at the Southern District of New York (SDNY) | <<details>> |
5/26/2015 | NEW DATE: July 1 - CourtAlert Client Conference | <<details>> |
3/25/2015 | CourtAlert for NYSCEF | <<details>> |
3/19/2015 | Never a Charge... Case Management Demo Tools and Procedure | <<details>> |
3/13/2015 | CourtAlert Patent Approved! | <<details>> |
1/28/2015 | Enhanced Inquiry Into Past News | <<details>> |
1/28/2015 | Local Time Zone Support Enhanced for High Volume CourtAlert for PACER Watches | <<details>> |
1/22/2015 | CourtAlert Systems Update (Password no longer needed for News Alerts and One Inquiry to New York County Information) | <<details>> |
11/20/2014 | CourtAlert Version 6.1 Release | <<details>> |
10/1/2014 | Free Conversion from MA3000 | <<details>> |
9/18/2014 | Superior by Design: Docketing & Calendaring with CourtAlert CM/ECF | <<details>> |
9/15/2014 | By the Best, For the Best: CourtAlert CM/ECF | <<details>> |
9/11/2014 | CourtAlert Commemorates September 11 | <<details>> |
8/12/2014 | CourtAlert Announces New West Coast Director of Business Development and Sales | <<details>> |
7/2/2014 | NEW! CourtAlert for PACER Enhancement: Court Local Time | <<details>> |
6/11/2014 | CourtAlert Announces: Edited Dockets Highlighted in CourtAlert for PACER | <<details>> |
5/5/2014 | Track PACER Cases 24/7 | <<details>> |
4/29/2014 | Law Day 2014 | <<details>> |
1/2/2014 | New Year, New Ideas | <<details>> |
10/28/2013 | NEW Court of Appeals Case Tracking | <<details>> |
9/11/2013 | CourtAlert Commemorates 9-11 | <<details>> |
6/10/2013 | CourtAlert Announces Several New Services and Enhancements | <<details>> |
3/19/2013 | CourtAlert Announces New Alert: AD2 Pre-Argument Conference | <<details>> |
3/14/2013 | CourtAlert Announces New Alert: CourtAlert 144 - Appearance Reminder for SDNY | <<details>> |
2/20/2014 | Very good news at CourtAlert | <<details>> |
2/18/2013 | CourtAlert News Service - Personalized News Alerts | <<details>> |
1/29/2013 | New Alert - Appellate Division First Department Pre-Argument Conference | <<details>> |
1/23/2013 | CourtAlert Announces Expanded Coverage for ECF Assurance: NYSCEF Courts | <<details>> |
12/27/2012 | 2012 Marks Another Year of Innovation at CourtAlert | <<details>> |
1/3/2013 | Winner of the 2012 Quiz of the Month iPad Raffle and Updated Rules for the Quiz of the Month | <<details>> |
12/17/2012 | CourtAlert for Pacer Consolidated Alerts - CourtAlert 502 | <<details>> |
11/6/2012 | Enhancement to AD1 Watch for Oral Argument | <<details>> |
10/15/2012 | CourtAlert Announces New Service : ECF Assurance | <<details>> |
9/19/2012 | Enhancements to CourtAlert Opinion/Order Alerts from SDNY | <<details>> |
12/22/2017 | Happy Holidays! | <<details>> |
11/27/2017 | Reminder: CourtAlert Lunch & Learn, Wed 11/29 at NYLI | <<details>> |
11/22/2017 | CourtAlert Lunch & Learn, Wed 11/29 at NYLI | <<details>> |
6/7/2016 | Reminder: CourtAlert Client Event Tomorrow, June 29th, 2016 | <<details>> |
6/20/2017 | Reminder: CourtAlert Client Event This Thursday | <<details>> |
6/3/2014 | 2 Days Left! Annual Client Event 2014 | <<details>> |
6/6/2019 | CourtAlert Client Event, June 20th, 2019 | <<details>> |
5/30/2018 | ILTA / CourtAlert Case Management Interfaces presentation, Boston, MA - Wednesday June 6, 2018 | <<details>> |
5/28/2014 | In Memoriam: Honorable Israel Rubin | <<details>> |
5/28/2014 | In Memoriam: Honorable Harold Baer | <<details>> |
5/9/2014 | Annual Client Event 2014 | <<details>> |
5/5/2015 | CourtAlert Client Conference | <<details>> |
4/10/2014 | Today: National Docketing Association Sponsoring an ECF Assurance Presentation | <<details>> |
1/9/2014 | Very good news at CourtAlert | <<details>> |
2/6/2014 | NYSCEF Issues Resolved | <<details>> |
4/2/2014 | National Docketing Association Sponsoring an ECF Assurance Presentation | <<details>> |
2/24/2017 | Temporary Phone Number During Move | <<details>> |
2/2/2018 | ILTA / CourtAlert Case Management Interfaces presentation, Los Angeles - Tuesday 2/6/2018 and Wednesday 2/7/2018 | <<details>> |
3/18/2014 | Save the Date(s), CourtAlert events | <<details>> |
CourtAlert Business Development Tools complete coverage - Secured Complaints now included in NYS Supreme/NY County Business Development Alerts
Lists of New Cases from Select Federal Courts
Save the Date – CourtAlert Client Event
CourtAlert for Pacer price increase
CourtAlert Moves Office and Announces new Client Center
CourtAlert Profile Administration – Add, Remove or Reassign watched cases among users
Enhancement to all case watching programs: Multiple Recipients for Specific Case’s Alerts
CourtAlert for Pacer Now Covers the United States Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation
CourtAlert CM/ECF enhancements – Time Zone on Diaries, Interactive Inquiry into Rules, Time Offset for Diary Alerts
Announcing CourtAlert Search – Search by any text on all CourtAlert information
CourtAlert Announcements – High Frequency watch for NYS Electronic Filing cases, every 15 minutes
CourtAlert Announcement – Get the partner every "important" opinion in record time
CourtAlert Announcements – Enhanced alerts for Appellate Division First Department, Welcome new employees
CourtAlert National Business Development Alerts – price reduction, no fee per name and new features
CourtAlert Announcement - Federal Judges Financial Disclosure Information
CourtAlert Announcement - New Alert – Decisions and Calendars from the Court of Appeals
CourtAlert Announcement - New Alert – Oral Argument Date
CourtAlert Announcement - Case Watch by Alternative Party Names
CourtAlert Announcement - National Business Development Alerts
CourtAlert Announcement - New York County Surrogate's Court Watch System
CourtAlert Announcement - Two enhancements for CourtAlert watch service for NYS Supreme cases
CourtAlert Announcement - CourtAlert first service to Superior Court of California/County of San Diego
CourtAlert Announcement - New, CourtAlert 58 - Time to perfect appeal is approaching, NYSCEF cases
CourtAlert Announcement - Enhanced, Full watch service arrived for New York City Civil Court
CourtAlert Announcement - An Efficient Way to Navigate within CourtAlert Web Site
CourtAlert Service Announcement - CourtAlert CM/ECF - ECF Reconciliation for Circuit Courts
CourtAlert Service Announcement – Second Circuit Opinions and Summary Orders
CourtAlert Service Announcement – NYS Supreme/NY County Business Development Alert – Timing Improvement
Rush Publication of Opinion from Delaware Chancery Court
Business Development Alert enhancement – watch by any word/name in the complaint text
Business Development Alert enhancement – Enhancement to Complaints Retrieval
Business Development Alerts - Appellate Division First and Second Department
Enhancement to the output of CourtAlert Billing system
CourtAlert for Circuit Courts Pacer - almost every Circuit Court in the US
New Alert - NYSECF Alert
Lis Pendens Alert service – Lists and per Block+Lot/Zip/Name service
NYS Supreme watch service to include Westchester County Clerk minutes
An announcement - enhancement to case management
An announcement - a new alert service
CourtAlert Welcomes Spring with New Graphics on Alerts
Real-Time Archived complaints now available for NY County Supreme (Commercial Division)
Adversary Proceedings in NYSB and Delaware Bankruptcy Court
Business Development Alerts on Blackberry
Tip of the Week now on CourtAlert for use on Blackberry type devices
Case Management and ECF Interface software package Version 3
Alerts for NYS Supreme Cases
Enhancement to CourtAlert Business Development Alerts
to CourtAlert Business Development Alerts
Profile Administration for CourtAlert website
for 2nd Circuit Pacer
CourtAlert Website
to SDNY Business Development Alerts
Business Development Tools
for Delaware Chancery Court opinions and orders