CourtAlert proudly sponsors

New Dockets Alerts
Email Alerts of new dockets, including PDFs, attached or linked
And Modified Dockets
Clearly highlighting the edits when the dockets are edited by the court
Monitor a PACER docket anonymously
We never ask for your PACER/ECF username and password. No charges on your PACER account
Not listed on the Public ECF Record
Alerts are formatted like a PACER docket, easy to understand
CourtAlert covers all Federal District and Bankruptcy Courts. All 12 Circuit and Federal Circuit courts. And the special courts: JPML, Court of Federal Claims & Court of International Trade
US Supeme Court monitoring here
There is no limit to the number of recipients that receive the alert with no extra fees. Add as many internal or external emails as you'd like!
CourtAlert for PACER is 100% anonymous. Only you and CourtAlert will know which cases you watch. CourtAlert uses its own account to provide complete anonymous PACER case monitoring
When adding a case to watch the page will automatically display the case title once the court and Docket Number are entered to allow you to verify
You can create PDF "Binders" on the CourtAlert for PACER Docket Sheet. Select documents (and exhibits) and click "Download Binder". Include any number of documents in a single binder to save and share with anyone
Binders are bookmarked PDFs with an optional easy to read cover sheet / table of content
All Documents will be downloaded at PACER cost and once downloaded, anyone in your firm can download the document again for free
You can select any time zone when adding a case to watch along with the helpful option of "Court Local Time" that will use the time zone in which the case is located.
Custom frequencies upon request
You control the cost! For example, the fee to watch a District case every Thursday is $2.75 each lookup or about $12 a month. The PDFs you choose to download are at PACER cost, pay once and you can share them with anyone at your firm
24/7 option - Monitor for overnight and over the weekend
Request Custom Frequencies
such as hourly during the day and twice overnight
Search CourtAlert's Federal Case database at no cost, with every new case added within 15 minutes!
On Demand Docket
View the docket sheets as of your case monitoring frequency or your last on-demand refresh
Easily View, Sort and Filter entire Docket Sheet
Mobile friendly Docket Sheet for downloading individual or multiple documents
District, Circuit, MDL Courts: $5 per refresh
Bankruptcy Courts: $7 per refresh
Download and Share PACER Documents
PDFs at PACER cost
Every PDF downloaded is available to you and anyone in your firm at no additional charge
Download multiple documents together as Binders to take with you. Includes
PDF boomarks and optional table of content
No limit to the number of documents you can combine