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What events are being reported for the Supreme Court in every major New York County?


CourtAlert 545 - "Sneak peek" of New Commercial Division Actions

Summary of new Commercial Division actions will be now sent out on the same day of the original filing. The first alert will be sent out at approximately 4 PM. The remainder of the matters filed will be sent out as they come in.

The report includes Index Number, Type of Document, Parties, Filing Attorney and Phone Number and a Brief Summary of the Claims.


New RJI is recorded (CourtAlerts 4 through 12):


These alerts are produced when a new RJI is recorded in the court's database. For example, in NY County, by Room 119 (“Motion Support”) staff. The court's computer randomly assigns a judge to the case and the CourtAlert email will include this judge name.


CourtAlert 4 – RJI + Motion. A new RJI was recorded and the Nature of Judicial Intervention was specified as Notice of Motion.


CourtAlert 5 – RJI + Order to Show Cause (“OSC”). A new RJI was recorded and the Nature of Judicial Intervention was specified as Order to Show Cause.


CourtAlert 5 provides an important strategic tool i.e., instead of waiting until being served with the Order to Show Cause, the CourtAlert customer will be alerted, as soon as the RJI is filed, that someone is seeking an OSC and the name of the assigned judge.


CourtAlert 6 – RJI + Petition. A new RJI was recorded and the Nature of Judicial Intervention was specified as Notice of Petition.


CourtAlert 7 – RJI + Note of Issue. A new RJI was recorded and the Nature of Judicial Intervention was specified as Note of Issue.


CourtAlert 8 – RJI/Notice of Medical Malpractice. A new RJI was recorded and the Nature of Judicial Intervention was specified as Notice of Medical or Dental Malpractice.


CourtAlert 9 – RJI/Statement of Net Worth. A new RJI was recorded and the Nature of Judicial Intervention was specified as Statement of Net Worth.


CourtAlert 10 – RJI + Preliminary Conference (“PC”). A new RJI was recorded and the Nature of Judicial Intervention was specified as Request for Preliminary Conference.


CourtAlert 11 – RJI/”Other” – A newRJI was recorded and the Nature of Judicial Intervention was specified as “Other”. 


CourtAlert 12 – RJI + Motion. A new RJI was recorded and the Nature of Judicial Intervention was not specified or entered by the court personnel.



NY County Motion Practice (“Room 130”) Alerts – CourtAlert 13 through 21):



In New York County there are unique procedure and deadline requirements regarding motions. CourtAlert has studied the workflow of this department and its system produces special alerts for it. Motion Practice alerts are not available for any other NYS County. The Motion Support Department (Room 119 and courtroom 130) rules can be found on CourtAlert Tools/Rules Online (click here, Q-OTR1-0-0).


CourtAlert 20 – New Motion in Motion Practice (“Initial Motion Calendar”). A new motion was recorded and assigned to Motion Practice (“Room 130”).


CourtAlert 21- New Commercial Division Motion (“Initial Motion Calendar/Commercial Division”). A new motion was recorded for a case that was designated as a Commercial Division Case. Such motions are processed by the Motion Support Office (“Room 130”).


CourtAlert 16 – Adjourned to the Submission Part. The motion was adjourned within the Motion Submission Part.


CourtAlert 17 – Adjourned to the Submission Part/Commercial cases. For a case designated as a Commercial Division case, the motion was adjourned within the Motion Submission Part.


CourtAlert 18 – Adjourned to the “3-Day” list. An adjournment within the Motion Submission Part.


CourtAlert 19 – Adjourned to “All Papers” list. An adjournment within the Motion Submission Part.


CourtAlert 14 – Motion Withdrawn.


CourtAlert 15 – Motion Defaulted.


CourtAlert 13 – Motion Submitted. The motion was marked submitted to be delivered to the judge.



Calendar Marking and appearances alerts (CourtAlert 22 through 24): 


These alerts are produced when an appearance record is updated (by the court's employees) in any county, other than in the Motion Practice appearances in New York County (which are reported on the CourtAlert 13 through 21).


CourtAlert 24 - A new appearance is scheduled. The alert will list the location and time (if the data is available), and information on the case and the applicable motion.


CourtAlert 23 – An appearance was adjourned. The alert will list which appearance was adjourned to where and when.


CourtAlert 22 – Calendar Marking. An appearance record was “marked” by the court. The court employees use codes to enter what has transpired at the appearance, and CourtAlert translates these codes to simple language using a “dictionary” approved by the Office of Courts Administration (this translation of courts codes is applicable to all alerts).



Order Alerts (CourtAlert 25 through 27):


CourtAlert 25 – an order was signed. Court employees have entered into their computer that a judge has issued an order in a particular case. In most cases, the order has not yet been entered and filed stamped by the County Clerk staff and is not yet available in the the court's records room.


It is the Office of Court Administration policy not to interpret the orders and therefore it is not clear what the content of the order is.


CourtAlert 26 – Final Order, applicable for Settle/Submit order. CourtAlert 26 is created following a judge signing on a “final” order, the one settled/submitted.


Explanation for the court terms related to an order:


Decision Date – the date the judge signed the original order


Order Date – the date the judge signed the “final” order.


Clerk Notify Date – a date entered by the court employee to indicate the date the order was keyed into the computer system. CourtAlert keeps the exact time stamp for the time the order was entered.

CourtAlert 27 – Motion/other changes. This alert reports any other changes in the Motion Record.


CourtAlert 75 – PDF Image of Order. When available at the Court, a scanned PDF image of the Order will be sent to you at no additional cost. This alert is available only for New York County.



Court Comments/ Subpoenaed Records – CourtAlert 31: 


CourtAlert 31 – Court comments and subpoenaed records alert. A new internally used comment and/or a new item added to the Subpoenaed Records room. Court comments are recorded for any out-of-the-ordinary events and typically include the initials of the court's employee, and therefore can be very useful. Subpoenaed records are listed in the court database under comments and recorded when they are received in the courthouse.


This alert will also report the addition of items to the Subpoenaed Records room, such as x-ray and other medical records.



Appearance Reminder Alert, optional – CourtAlert 44:


CourtAlert advises of adjournments very soon after the information has been entered by the court employees onto their computer Mainframe. If the user so wishes, an additional alert, CourtAlert 44, will be produced 3 business days before a scheduled appearance.


If you wish to receive reminder alerts, please access "My Profile" page and click on the link



Database Changes Alerts, CourtAlert 1-3, 28-30, 32, 36:


CourtAlert 33 – Judge Change


CourtAlert 36 – Case status change, such as the case has been marked disposed.


CourtAlert 28 – Attorney record change. Note that this includes any change in the attorney record. For example, that the attorney wishes/does not wish to receive written notices from the court. This alert does not necessarily, but possibly, means that the Attorney of Record changed.


CourtAlert 1,2,3,29 and 32 – Other database table changes.


CourtAlert 30 – the title of the case was changed (additional parties or any other change to the case's title). 



New York County Clerk Alerts – CourtAlert 50 and 51, 88:


CourtAlert receives updates from the New York County Clerk database about every 2 hours. The information from this database produces two alerts.


CourtAlert 50 – A Minute in the NY County Clerk system. This alert reports on Minutes in the New York County Clerk database, the date of the minute, the text and if the Minute was added, changed or deleted.


A minute in a NY County Clerk database normally represents a document filed (such as a Judge singed order being “Entered and Filed”).


CourtAlert 51 – An Appellate Division receipt was filed.  This alerts that an Appellate Division receipt was filed for this case with the New York County Clerk. This may suggest that the user should start following Appellate Division/1st Department decision lists for this case. Please see separate discussion on Appellate Divisin/1st Department support.


CourtAlert 88 – Appellate Division/ First Department - 8 Months since NOA Receipt Filed. This alert will be produced after 8 months since the CourtAlert 51.



Westchester County Clerk Alert – CourtAlert 55:


This alert reports on Minutes in the Westchester County Clerk database, the date of the minute, the text and if the Minute and any Comments.



NYSCEF Docket Alert – CourtAlert 53:


This alert reports on new NYSCEF Docket Entries. Alert includes the date of the entry, ECF Number, the docket text. For cases on your NYSCEF Watchlist.


Note of Issue Alerts – CourtAlert 61-63, 66,68:


CourtAlert 61 – Kings County, NOI Filed. This Alert is only for NYC Law Department customers, to notify any new NOI filed for their cases in Kings County.


CourtAlert 62 – Kings County, NOI Filed. This Alert is for all users other than the NYC Law Department, to notify any new NOI filed for their cases in Kings County.


CourtAlert 63 – Kings County, NOI Filed about 30 days ago. This is a reminder alert to all firms other than NYC Law Dept.


Kings County, Supreme Court – Uniform Civil Term Rules – Paragraph 13 states:"13. Post Note of Issue Summary Judgment Motions: In cases where the defendant is the City of New York and they are represented by the Tort Division of the Corporation Counsel's office summary judgment motions may be made 120 days after filing of a note of issue. No motion for summary judgment may be made more than 60 days after filing a Note of Issue in all other cases, except with leave of the Court on good cause shown. See, CPLR 3212(a)."


CourtAlert 66 – Kings County, NOI Filed about 60 days ago, This is a reminder alert to NYC Law Department.


Kings County, Supreme Court – Uniform Civil Term Rules – Paragraph 13 states:"13. Post Note of Issue Summary Judgment Motions: In cases where the defendant is the City of New York and they are represented by the Tort Division of the Corporation Counsel's office summary judgment motions may be made 120 days after filing of a note of issue. No motion for summary judgment may be made more than 60 days after filing a Note of Issue in all other cases, except with leave of the Court on good cause shown. See, CPLR 3212(a)."


CourtAlert 68 – NOI Filed (in counties other than the Kings County). This alert is to notify customers when any new NOI filed for their case in counties other than Kings County.